8:00am | Check In | |||
9:00am Keynote | On Blending Machine Learning with Microeconomics
Michael Jordan, UC Berkeley |
9:40am Keynote | On the Road to Artificial General Intelligence
Danny Lange, VP of AI, Unity |
10:20am | Coffee break and networking | |||
10:45am Keynote | AI Innovation In Microsoft
Erez Barak, Sr. Director, Microsoft AI |
11:25am Keynote | Travel in the AI-First World
Luyuan Fang, Head of AI labs/VP, Expedia Group |
12:00pm | Lunch break and networking | |||
1:00pm - 1:50pm | ||||
Track 1 | Developing and troubleshooting neural networks
Cibele Montez Halasz, Apple
Track 2 | Taming the Transformer
Lukasz Kaiser, Google Brain
Track 3 |
Marquez: An Open Source Metadata Service for ML Platforms
Willy Lulciuc & Shawn Shah, WeWork
Track 4 | Accelerating computer vision models with TensorFlow on FPGAs
Ted Way, Microsoft
Track 5 | Google AI Training: Machine Learning and Image Processing 1
Sponsored by Google
2:00pm - 2:50pm | ||||
Track 1 | How Salesforce Einstein Leverages NLP to Deliver Customer Experience at Scale
Peter Krmpotic, Salesforce
Track 2 | Deep Learning in Precision Agriculture
Andrei Polzounov, Blue River Technology
Track 3 | Elastic Distributed Deep Learning Training at large scale
Yonggang Hu, IBM Watson
Track 4 | Scalable enterprise AutoML
Erin Ledell, H2O.ai
Track 5 | Google AI Training: Machine Learning and Image Processing 2
Sponsored by Google
2:50pm -3:10pm: Coffee break and networking | ||||
3:10pm - 4:00pm | ||||
Track 1 | Unleash Computer Vision at the Edge
Steve Griset, alwaysAI
Track 2 | Machine Learning for Digital Identity
Chirag Mahapatra, Airbnb
Track 3 | Building an AI Engine for Time Series Data Analytics
Sanjian Chen & Jian Chang, Alibaba Group
Track 4 | Deep technical insights for AI engineering platform to deliver automate AI solutions at scale
Suqiang Song, Mastercard
Track 5 | Google AI Training: Machine Learning and Image Processing 3
Sponsored by Google
4:10pm - 5:00pm | ||||
Track 1 | AI in Healthcare
Anitha Kannan, Curai
Track 2 | Impact of ML on Perception for Autonomous Vehicles
Sean Harris, Cruise
Track 3 |
Taking Machine Learning Research to Production: Solving Real Problems
Robert Crowe, Google
Track 5 | Google AI Training: Machine Learning and Image Processing 4
Sponsored by Google
5:30pm - 8:00pm: Evening Session | ||||
Dinner Reception | Speakers, Invited Guests, and ConferencePlus ticket/Workshop ticket holders only. | |||
Community Event | A Night with AI & Data: In-stream data process, data Orchestration & Data Lake (Free to attend, open to public) |
8:30am | Check In | |||
9:30am - 10:20am | ||||
Track 1 | Video Understanding at Facebook
Matt Feiszli, Facebook
Track 2 | Introduction to Reinforcement Learning and Contextual Bandits
Paul Mineiro, Microsoft
Track 3 | Model-based Candidate Generation for Recommendations at Twitter
Jay Baxter, Twitter
10:20am | Coffee break and networking | |||
10:50am - 11:40am | ||||
Track 1 | Multivariate content optimization: Real-time recommendation and business insights
Daniel Hill, Amazon
Track 2 | TransmogrifAI: efficient machine learning with Scala, Spark, and friends
Chris Suchanek, Salesforce
Track 3 | How to Train Accurate Models with Less Data
Bindu Reddy, RealityEngines.AI
11:50am | Lunch break and networking | |||
12:45pm - 1:30pm | ||||
Track 1 | Testing AI and Bias
Jason Arbon, test.ai
Track 2 | Build and Integrate AI into Applications using the Cloud
Nisha Talagala, Sindhu Ghanta, Pyxeda AI
Track 3 | Reinforcement learning with open-ended algorithms
Rui Wang, Uber AI
1:40pm - 2:25pm | ||||
Track 1 | More Data Science with Less Engineering: ML Infrastructure at Netflix
Ville Tuulos, Netflix
Track 2 | Algorithm and System for EHR-based Medical Decision-Making
Pengtao Xie, Petuum
Track 3 | Tensorflow Lite - AI on the edge for Mobile and IoT
Yunlu Li, Google
2:35pm - 3:20pm | ||||
Track 1 | Model versioning: Why, When and How
Manasi Vartak, Verta.AI
Track 2 | Deep Learning for Speech Recognition
Pranjal Daga, Cisco
Track 3 | Building Scalable, Kubernetes-Native ML/AI Pipelines with TFX, KubeFlow, Airflow, and MLflow
Chris Fregly, PipelineAI
3:30pm - 4:30pm | ||||
All | Women in AI Panel
Yunlu Li (Google), Sandhya Ramu (LinkedIn), Nanda Vijaydev (HPE), Manasi Vartak (Verta AI), Luyuan Fang (Expedia)
Nisha Talagala (Moderator from Pyxde AI) |
9am - 12pm | |
Track 1 | Real World Reinforcement Learning in Action
Tyler Clintworth, Microsoft Team
*Hands-on workshop, with lectures, demo, and code labs.
*In this workshop you will learn real world reinforcement learning and how applies to content personalization. We will walk you through setting up the service, writing your first application, and optimizing the policy using offline optimization. Workshop Details
12pm-1:00pm | lunch break and networking |
1:00pm - 4:00pm | |
Track 1 | AI and Machine Learning at Any Scale with Ray
Robert Nishihara, UC Berkeley
*hands-on workshop, with lectures, demo, and code labs. Workshop Details
9am - 12pm | |
Track 1 | Serverless Machine Learning with TensorFlow 2.0 (1)
by Google Team
*7 modules with lectures, live demo, and hands-on code labs. Course Outline
12pm-1pm | lunch break |
1pm - 4pm | |
Track 1 | Serverless Machine Learning with TensorFlow 2.0 (2)
by Google Team
*7 modules with lectures, live demo, and hands-on code labs. Course Outline
50+ tech lead speakers from Engineering Teams at Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Uber, Linkedin, Pinterest, Nvidia, Twitter, and more.
60+ deep dive tech topics and practicial experiences in machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, speech reconginition, NLP, data science and analytics. specially geared to tech engineers who want to grasp AI tech applied to their daily project.
Connect with 500+ tech engineers, developers, data scientists; learn from peers, small-group discussions, office-hour, and lunch with speakers, happy hours.
Continue to learn and practice AI post conference, join our free online AI learning group with 400+ tech speakers, 85,000+ tech engineers. Learn more.
The speakers and sponsors teams are hiring tech engineers, developers, data scientitst, machine learning engineers and algorithm engineers. Come to talk and connect to the hiring manager and tech lead of the teams.